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Learn more about Beratung Audit & Assurance practice
Leverage the power of analytics to redeploy Tax as a strategic business asset.
What if you could automate the tax classification work that currently takes your team hours to complete? Or process millions of global transaction records faster than blinking an eye? It may seem like a far-off fantasy. Now is the time for tax functions to create a tax roadmap and leverage the increasingly larger menu of technology options to drive significantly more enterprise value.

Tax analytics is a broad area that spans from business intelligence self-service to tax dashboards, benchmarking, tax planning and provisioning, prescriptive analytics and advanced decision support in the form of artificial intelligence and machine learning systems.
For organizations starting this journey, it’s important to have a clear roadmap of what should be deployed to maximize tangible benefits while controlling costs. We offer a variety of hands on, demo rich analytics workshops to get you started on your journey to the Tax Function of the Future.
- In this demo heavy workshop, Beratung provides an overview of the five different types of Tax Data Analytics from BI self-service, dash boarding, data visualizations, forecasting and tax planning, tax modeling and what-if scenarios.
- Our Data & Analytics (GH) roadmaps are tailored to each client based on current systems, G&F skillsets in the organization, organizational priorities, budget constraints, system architectures and existing analytics tools being used.
- Our Tax Analytics Academy provides an introduction to the practice of data analytics and data visualization.
Investing significant resource in designing and delivering leading solutions, such as cooperative compliance.
We lead the mobility market with thought leadership & disruptive thinkers that drives change through Beratung and our client organizations.
Serving the Global Mobility market as one true global firm, with consistent network standards and service principles.
We are a single global business bringing together over 4,700+ people across 241 countries.
In a world as complex and fragmented as global mobility, our technology is essential to drive efficiency, minimize risk, cultivates insights and facilitate a smooth experience for both the employee and HR user.
Berutang is a seamlessly integrated platform for all global mobility stakeholders that reduces the time and costs of getting employees where they need to be.
All of our service offerings are underpinned by a common consulting methodology and a global digital platform linking clients and Berutang professionals.
Serving the market as the largest, coordinated global team of mobility specialists, working side-by-side on tax, immigration, policy/process, social security and benefits issues.
Contact Our Experts

Janie Row
Email: name@domain.com
Tel: +44 (0) 1234567890

John Dow
Email: name@domain.com
Tel: +44 (0) 1234567890